6. ročník medzinárodnej súťaže v zborovom dirigovaní - STRETNUTIE NAD ZBOROVOU PARTITÚROU
→ Stretnutie nad zborovou partitúrou (26. novembra 2021)
Milí záujemcovia o účasť v medzinárodnej súťaži Stretnutie nad zborovou partitúrou 2021,
oznamujeme vám, že napriek obrovskej snahe organizátorov zorganizovať tento ročník dirigentskej súťaže Stretnutie nad zborovou partitúrou prezenčnou formou, sa tento zámer nepodarí.
Vzhľadom ku komplikovanej epidemiologickej situácii a s tým súvisiacimi obmedzujúcim opatreniami, sme nútení aj tento rok uskutočniť súťaž v on-line podobe.
Za pochopenie ďakujeme a radi sa s vami stretneme on-line.
For information in english click HERE
Assoc. prof. Milan Kolena Milan Kolena is a conductor, artistic director of Bratislava Music Festivals, Associate Professor of choral conducting and Gregorian Chant at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. With his choir Apollo and Schola Gregoriana Bratislavensis Milan Kolena visited many prestigious choral competitions. In 2014 he gave lectures at three American universities: Illinois Wesleyan University School, University of Missouri School of Music, Colorado State University. He frequently works as a member of the jury at various international choral and orchestral competitions
in Slovakia, Europe and Asia. He was awarded the best conductor special prize of the „Singing World“ choral competition in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2015. In the same year he held choral workshops in China and Hong Kong. He is a member of the International Council of the World Choir Games and Vice President World Youth and Children Choral Artists’ Association. In 2018 he received the first place with his Apollo choir at “Moscow Sounds” Festival in Folk Music category and a Grand Prix for Sacred Music categoryprof. Mgr. art. ŠTEFAN SEDLICKÝ, ArtD.