7. ročník medzinárodnej dirigentskej súťaže Stretnutie nad zborovou partitúrou
→ Stretnutie nad zborovou partitúrou
Srdečne vás pozývame na 7. ročník medzinárodnej dirigentskej súťaže Stretnutie nad zborovou partitúrou, ktorá sa bude konať 23. - 24. novembra 2022 v Banskej Bystrici. Tento rok sa opäť môžete tešiť na stretnutie s medzinárodne uznávanou porotou zloženou z renomovaných zborových dirigentov, takisto na vecné ceny, či zaujímavé kompozície, ktoré sme pre Vás vybrali.
Garantom medzinárodnej dirigentskej súťaže je prof. Štefan Sedlický, dirigent niekoľkých špičkových slovenských zborových telies a zároveň pedagóg na Fakulte múzických umení Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici.
Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystricic je spolu s Fondom na podporu umenia od počiatkov súťaže jej hlavným organizátorom i poskytovateľom financií a priestorov.
For information in english click HERE
Assoc. prof. Milan Kolena Milan Kolena is a conductor, artistic director of Bratislava Music Festivals, Associate Professor of choral conducting and Gregorian Chant at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. With his choir Apollo and Schola Gregoriana Bratislavensis Milan Kolena visited many prestigious choral competitions. In 2014 he gave lectures at three American universities: Illinois Wesleyan University School, University of Missouri School of Music, Colorado State University. He frequently works as a member of the jury at various international choral and orchestral competitions
in Slovakia, Europe and Asia. He was awarded the best conductor special prize of the „Singing World“ choral competition in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2015. In the same year he held choral workshops in China and Hong Kong. He is a member of the International Council of the World Choir Games and Vice President World Youth and Children Choral Artists’ Association. In 2018 he received the first place with his Apollo choir at “Moscow Sounds” Festival in Folk Music category and a Grand Prix for Sacred Music categoryJ. SCOTT FERGUSON
J. Scott Ferguson is the Fern Rosetta Sherff Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Illinois Wesleyan University, where he conducts the Collegiate Choir and University Choir and teaches studio voice and choral conducting. Dr. Ferguson received his undergraduate training at Oberlin Conservatory in organ performance, studying with Haskell Thomson. He completed graduate studies in choral conducting at the University of California, Irvine, earning the Master of Fine Arts, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he earned the Doctor of Musical Arts. He has studied choral conducting with Robert Fountain, Joseph Huszti, Daniel Moe, and Howard Swan, orchestral conducting with David Becker and James Smith, and voice with Robert Fountain, Joseph Huszti, and Beverly Rinaldi. Prior to his appointment at Illinois Wesleyan University in 1996, he served on the faculty at the State Conservatory of Music in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Hope College, Plymouth State University, The College of Wooster, and the University of California, Irvine. His choirs have appeared on tour throughout the United States and Europe, and have performed at state and regional ACDA and NAfME conferences. The Illinois Wesleyan University Collegiate Choir maintains the oldest collegiate-level choral commissioning series in the United States and has collaborated with the Orchid Ensemble and the King's Singers on commissions for this series. In 2020 the Choir was the first American collegiate choral ensemble invited to perform at the prestigious Woordfees cultural arts festival in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Their concert was nominated for Best Performance in the Classical Vocal Music category. Dr. Ferguson is in demand as a choral clinician, festival conductor, and adjudicator, and has presented choral workshops and lectures in the United States, Europe, and South America. He has published articles on Slovak choral music in the ACDA Choral Journal and is the compiler and editor of the Slovak Choral Series, published by Alliance Publications. He is a frequent member of juries at international choral competitions. Dr. Ferguson directs the Chapel Choir at Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington.